| 1. | He is diligent in his studies . 他学习勤奋。 |
| 2. | You remember that in the bible about being diligent in the lord's business, or something ? 你记得《圣经》里说过--上帝的事应该全力以赴,或者类似的话吗? |
| 3. | Be steadfast in work and life , and be diligent in writing and teaching 踏踏实实做事做人,勤勤恳恳写书教书。 |
| 4. | In our dialogue , we should be diligent in seeking understanding and be slow to judge 在互相交流对话时,我们应该力求彼此谅解,不要一味批判他人。 |
| 5. | You remember that in the bible about being diligent in the lord ' s business , or something 你记得《圣经》里说过- -上帝的事应该全力以赴,或者类似的话吗? |
| 6. | Globus has always been diligent in grid security , and gt4 is " enterprise - ready " from a security perspective Globus在网格安全性方面一直非常努力,从安全性的观点来看, gt4已经是“满足企业需求的”了。 |
| 7. | It was originally named qinzheng be diligent in administration hall . the present name came into being during the reign of emperor guang xu 仁寿殿是宫廷区的主要建筑之一,原名勤政殿,光绪年间改为今名,意为施仁政者长寿。 |
| 8. | Many of you too , you change and change and change every day . the more you are diligent in practice the more beautiful you become , men and women alike 你们许多人也一样,每天都不断地在变改,愈努力修行就会变得愈漂亮,男众女众都一样。 |
| 9. | Renshou benevolence and longevity hall it was originally named qinzheng be diligent in administration hall . the present name came into being during the reign of emperor guang xu 仁寿殿是宫廷区的主要建筑之一,原名勤政殿,光绪年间改为今名,意为施仁政者长寿。 |
| 10. | And we sent with them our brother , whom we have proved to be diligent in many things many times , yet now much more diligent because of the great confidence he has toward you 22我们又打发我们的弟兄和他们同去,这人是我们在许多事上,屡次试证为殷勤的,现在他因对你们极其深信,就极其更加殷勤了。 |